The Gathering Mystery of the Silk Sock

The first email arrived on a chilly February morning.

Subject: To my Arch Nemesis

Coded clues are within { }

The Clues

recommended colours – { country singer formerly married to Julia Roberts: Lyle __ }
& {A one legged EX? __ Mills}

4 double pointed needles, sizes {__ days of christmas} or {Psalm __ – How long, O LORD ? Will you forget me forever?}

To begin:

Cast on 4 score & 10 sts .

Work 6 rounds with Lt in a rib of K2, P1.

The Code

1st Round – * K4 Lt, 1 Hr, 4 Lt, P1 Lt. Repeat from * to end.
2nd Round – * K3 Lt, 3 Hr, 3 Lt, P1 Lt. Repeat from * to end.

Solve the puzzle before the daffodils bloom or a hideous fate awaits….

…with thanks to my friend and nemesis in this project, Susan.

Keep a look out for the mystery’s progress.


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