Oh my. The tiredness has hit me like a train this evening. It’s been a busy day of knitting festival visiting, picnicking in the woods, catching up with old friends, planning lots of wedding things and doing a good bit of actual knitting. All great ways to spend a Sunday off, methinks.
The Mothership and I had a fabulous morning out at Unravel at Farnham Maltings today. We cooed over the sheep and lambs outside the building, voted for Best in Show inside, bought a lot of buttons for now and future cardigans, and went on the search for the perfect skein of sock wool that would feel just right to knit. This turned out to be a lovely skein of Skein Queen‘s Squash in beautiful deep sea-like colours. I’m currently in charge of skein winding, and finding the perfect partially-sighted-knitter-friendly sock pattern to be knitted on either two or four needles. In her words: ‘not just plain knitting but nothing that I can’t sit and do in front of Cash in the Attic, either.’
Do you have any good ideas for patterns that I might not have though of?