Of Garden Parties, not Snow.

The BBC weatherman reliably informed me, with a cheery smile, a couple of days ago that February is always the coldest month of the British year. If you’d asked me, I would have said January, but this past week has proved him right. It has been bitter, with snow to boot. We live on the south coast and snow, although not unknown, is not common, often with several years between its visits.

So, what have I been making while it has been so very cold. A jumper, perhaps, I hear you guess? No. I’m still waiting for the needles to continue my O W L S (which is a shame as I could have done with wearing it just now!) Well what about that stripy shawl you had on the go a couple of posts ago? Aha! It is finished, and just in the nick of time for swathing my neck and decolatage in the chilly mornings.

So, what have I been making? Well, this week I have mostly been both knitting and sewing that summer favourite, bunting.

Knitting bunting, as beloved of Woolfest and Ally Pally


Bunting! In minus degree temperatures, I tell you. *sigh*

I’m making it for a class that I’ll be teaching at work, so a good range of techniques is needed to show all of the different ways one might go about making some to decorate a coronation garden party/ jolly up a picnic by the river/ wear as an emergency bikini.

Garter stitch flags, ready to become a string of bunting.


I’ll be crocheting these lovelies together this evening, while catching up on the latest episode of Suits. It’s certainly far too cold to be going out, Saturday night or no Saturday night!




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