Sometimes a whole lot of similar ideas come out at once, independently of one another.
I’ve been thinking for a while about crowdsourcing tweets to make a knitting pattern. I’d flip a coin to tell me to knit or purl but receive the rest of the instructions from my twitter followers. It’s something which I’ve sort of done before, with the aid of a few friends, but not on such a scale.
This is Mmm – Entrails, or The Red Un-Round. The result of pub-instruction knitting, it was originally cast on as a mobius wrap. It didn’t end up that way.

From my Ravelry notes:
I liked the first version of The Round so much I decided to cast on another.
But… what happens in this one is going to be dictated by other people’s suggestions at the pub quiz. I’ll cast on the amount of stitches they suggest, knit the amount of rows that they want and make it to their specifications rather than mine. I will change colours when they say and make the buttonholes to their request (size and placement).
Given that I usually knit this at the pub, random suggestions are making it all the more entertaining!
So, they asked me to stop knitting. I did.
Then they said: Cut it in half. Er… okay.I think its quite good actually!
I’m planning to make a pair of wrist-warmers this time with the crowdsourced instructions which will come out with all kinds of weird patterns on them: I hope! There’s still a bit more planning to do, but I’ll be setting that up and executing it within the next couple of weeks.
It seems that quite a few other people have had similar kinds of ideas for knitting just recently: playing with making patterns or being influenced by social media.
How about knitted tweets? Knitters in the north of England, organised by the glittyknittykitty blog came together at the Shipley Art Gallery for an evening event which included freeform knitting something in 140 stitches or under. You can see one of Brendadada’s knitted tweets here.
Then, last week I found knitting dice, which are available from Knitivity. Basically, you throw a set of five dice to determine where your pattern goes. I’d love to have a go with some of these!
Lastly though is Lee Meredith’s new e-book Game Knitting.

Its concept is ace. In her own words:
The easiest way I’ve found to describe how game knitting works is this:
You make a list of reoccurring things that happen in a TV show, as if you are going to play a drinking game to the show (drink each time something on the list happens), and you want it to be a crazy night! Which means, if you really were to turn your list into a drinking game, you’d either want to take very small sips of light beer, or you’d be too drunk to play after a couple of episodes. So, once you have this game list, you design a knitting pattern around doing/changing something in your work every time something on the list happens. This may be as simple as switching from knit to purl stitches, or making an eyelet hole, or something a bit more complex, like cabling or turning your work for a short row. Just don’t try actually playing a drinking game as you game knit!
So, I tried this out while I was watching Strictly Come Dancing with my family at the weekend. Casting on for a sideways hat, I knitted an eyelet every time one of the following happened:
- Len Goodman said ‘seven.’
- Someone went wrong during the dance performance.
- Bruce Forsythe made a dire joke.
- One of the professional dancers got feisty with the judges.
- One of the dancers came on in something akin to a tablecloth.
- Craig Revel-Horwood said something bitchy about the performance.
- There was actual paso music for the paso doble.
- Tess said that the judges’ scores were in.

I was knitting in a mid-grey, and you can’t really see very clearly the patterning of the eyelets whilst it is being knit. I think it will come out more when it is blocked. In the meantime, above is a glaring photo in front of the window so you get the general idea. I’m going to continue with it next week, but with shows of two and a half hours each week right up until Christmas I think I’m going to end up with a whole lot of Strictly Come Knitted items!
I have the knitivity dice, but I haven’t used them yet. Maybe I’ll get them out and play a little bit for the leg of the black socks I’m working on.
I really like your entrails. (that sounds really bad)
Good idea. Let me know how that goes.
Mmm-Entrails is an excellent scarf, it just sounds odd when you say it…