Following Natalie at the Yarn Yard‘s great idea, I’m going to be blogging each Monday about making.
This past weekend I have been finishing off and resolving a couple of big ongoing projects and thinking a lot about making (which in fact is the subject of a whole other blog post which will be forthcoming).
I worked this weekend on my Tempest cardigan KAL with my Mum. Hers is coming a long slowly, so I’m trying not to rush ahead too much. My Dad said rather meanly that hers looks like it’s being made for Dennis the Menace (although he does somewhat have a point…) However, instead of the Beano’s own WIP, here’s mine (above) along with some other bits and pieces that I’ve been working on in the past week.
Will you share what you have been making this past week or so?
Well, not made this week, but this week I finally photographed my version of a Fair Isle sweater worn by Edward, Duke of Windsor in a 1925 portrait. I discovered your blog recently and have been enjoying reading – good to ‘meet’ you!
You too, and thank you! I just had a look at the wonderful Fair Isle tank top that you made. It’s beautiful work and your son really looks the part too.