Finishing up

Here’s a quick cross-post from the knitonthenet blog to let you know what I’ve been up to lately. I’ve been upcountry in Southport, assisting Susan Crawford in the makings of her new book.  We’re all still working hard on the final parts of A Stitch in Time volume 2.  Susan has been pattern grading, Gavin has been laying up some of the patterns on the computer, for printing and I have been sewing up and finishing some sample garments.

Here’s a sneaky peek behind the scenes.

The set-up for seaming and finishing includes equipment for blocking and pressing, including a large blocking board. We have copious supplies of darning needles, pins, the right yarns for sewing the right garments, and of course, the making-up instructions. The guitar in the background is entirely optional, but I find that listening to some podcasts or a bit of Tim Minchin helps it along!

Here’s a garment, almost finished. I’m setting in one of the sleeves here.

This is a cardigan made from Excelana -the main colour is Nile Green. It has some fair isle along the top of the two fronts which made for a rather epic session of weaving in ends.

A little further along in the process – the ends have been woven in, the shoulders and side seams sewn up, the sleeve seams sewn, and here again I’m setting in one of its sleeves.

I’d love to show you the finished items, but I’m afraid you’ll need to wait just a little bit longer!


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