
It’s been a busy week here, but there’s not much of intrigue to post about, really. My computer finally gave up the ghost, so I have been recovering and uploading all my documents to a new one, and boy, doesn’t that take a time? Three days so far, and I’m still not quite there. In the meantime, I got a load of knitting done, but sadly it all has to stay secret for the time being as the patterns are not published as yet.

My other main activity this week was reading, which these days seems like rather a luxury. I have been dipping in and out of Ina Zweniniger-Bargielowska’s Austerity in Britain: Rationing, Controls, and Consumption, 1939-1955 whilst doing some research for the Wartime Socks book, and am really enjoying it. Not a bedtime read in any sense, it has reminded me how much I like reading academic works and makes me wonder why I don’t make time for them more often.

Yes, you can call me a nerd.

Inspired by my reading about rationing and being resourceful, I have finally pulled my finger out and got on with my own making do and mending. There has been a pile of clothes that have needed mending sitting in the corner of my workroom for a good while now, that  I have finally, enthusiastically, made a start on, darning my well-loved plain socks. I do like using a darning mushroom, don’t you?

It gave my hands a break from knitting 1×1 rib while I watched the new Miss Marple on ITV1. It was one of those episodes that was so convoluted that you had to pay full attention or become completely lost, which is somewhat reflected in the not-so-neatness of my darning.

Did anyone else see Why Didn’t They Ask Evans? Was it just me, or were you as baffled as I was in trying to fathom out what was going on or indeed who or why they did it? I haven’t read the original, so wonder whether it was in the adaptation and editing or whether this was a true reflection of the novel (probably not, given this series’ track record.) Your thoughts?

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