Call for Papers – Dressed to Kill: Fashion in Victorian Fiction and Periodicals

A call for papers for what looks to be a really interesting conference in Liverpool this spring, held by Victorian Popular Fiction Association and Liverpool John Moores University.

Books by shutterhacks on Flickr. Used under Creative Commons.

To be held at Aldham Robarts Library, LJMU, Liverpool, UK on Saturday 19th March 2016.

Submission guidelines as follows.

Submit by 5th February 2016. Please send proposals of 300 words and a 50 word biography in Word format to Drs Janine Hatter and Nickianne Moody at: and

The conference welcomes proposals for 20 minute papers on topics including, but not limited to:

Fashion as depicted in serialised fiction.

Fashion adverts, prints and patterns.

The fashion season, events, dressing for the day, Christenings, weddings, funerals and mourning.

Men’s, children’s and servants’ fashions.

Fashion’s role within narrative, such as class, mental state, nationality, character, marital status, empire, transgression and moral worth.

Fashion industry.

Costume, masque and fancy dress.

Theatrical attire, stage, tableaux, circus and ballet.

Hair styles, toilette, accessories and jewellery.
Looks to be an interesting one. Will you be submitting something or attending?

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