'…a chair where she can always find her needles'

When I first found this great piece of film (whilst actually looking for something about making your own banjo, but thats another story), I decided to share it with the world on the knitonthenet blog, but really it is so good, that you all need to see it too.

Picture the scene, It’s 1952: Britian is still under rationing, space in the home is at a premium and advertising voiceovers are delivered in a condescending manner to the housewives of the day.

Forgiving the blatantly chauvenistic overtones of this piece of film from the British Pathe archive, wouldn’t you just love one of these chairs with a hidden extension for your knitting?

Here’s the link to the site so you can watch the entire video. Skip to 53 seconds for the chair.

…I wonder if they still make them?

2 thoughts on “'…a chair where she can always find her needles'”

  1. I love the chair – must see if I can get someone to make me something similar. I could use it now though while I have to keep all my crafts stuff in the living room.

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