I Knit Weekender

It has taken me ages to get the photos off my camera, but finally here is my trip to the I Knit Weekender last Saturday. Such fun!

Knitting Reference Library Stand
Knitting Reference Library stand. Don't they look efficient!

I travelled up on the Saturday and worked on the Knitting Reference Library stand with Linda, Kate and Carolyn from Uni of Southampton Library (and from my knitting group). It was a whole lot of fun and I met loads of great people, old friends and new (including an American sock monkey on a swap!)

Sock Monkey!
Sock Monkey! Note her pink John Deere tractors fabric dress.

As I was on a stand, I didn’t have time to go and do any workshops or attend talks, but lots of people came to talk to us. I met Alice Starmore, Woolly Wormhead, the Knitting Noras (and Ashley!), Ysolda Teague, Joyce Meader, Jennie Atkinson, Neta Bruce and many more lovely people, including Betsan from Stitchlinks, and Susan and Gavin from KnitontheNet who I will be working with soon. Some people I knew online such as Curlyminx from twitter, others I see all the time at my knitting group. Of course not forgetting Gerard from IKnit too!

I even managed to get some (rather extensive) shopping in too:

Yarn Haul
Yarn Haul

I hadn’t bought any new yarn really since Unravel back in February, so I went all out and got some Malabrigo Lace, Zauberball sock yarn, Colinette Jitterbug, Fyberspates sock yarn in Cherry Tree and some Irish Linen yarn to try. I reckon that’ll keep me going for a while!

Sneak Preview of Xmas Knitting
Sneak Preview of Xmas Knitting

I also bought some lovely pink vintage metal needles and some Cascade 220 which is being knitted up as a Christmas present. It was a long, long day which started with my friend Katie giving me a lift to the end of the Picadilly Line at Heathrow and ended with an epic train journey of three and a half hours back due to delays. It was such fun though. Can’t wait til next time.

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