The Story of Laura and Robert.
Meet Laura and Robert. The fact that I wanted to make garments for them started off my lifelong love for knitting and yarn.
Robert’s garter stitch scarf, made from a delightful cream and brown acrylic dk was the first thing I ever knitted myself at age 5.
Laura (one of identical twin dolls known to me at the time only as The Fat Girls (#differenttimes as they used to say on Simon Mayo’s Confessions) wears a coral acrylic DK dress knitted by me, with lots of help from my Nan.
My own 5 year old daughter plays with them now, and the love lives on. She’s also just learning to knit but wants to make a superhero mask (and I’m not making her use acrylic but some Cascade 220 which is much nicer!)
Let’s see if this is her beginning.
P.S. The other Fat Girl has thankfully also been renamed as Emily by Poppy, you may be glad to hear.