The Spring Arts Centre in Havant, Hampshire have just listed my forthcoming exhibition on their website. There will be new additions to the Mrs Miniver series of art socks including the Sherlock Holmes silk sock that I’m knitting from clues sent to me by my own sock-knitting Moriarty, Susan Crawford. Pictured below is Katie‘s half of the friendsocks that we made last year. It has winged its way back from Boston, Mass, where Katie now lives to be part of the exhibition. It will return after its tour.
Mrs Miniver ’s Socks
By Ingrid Murnane
1 Feb – 24 Mar
This exhibition takes its name from Mrs Miniver’s Problem, a concept in geometry concerned with overlapping circles. According to Jan Struther’s wartime character Mrs Miniver, a relationship of two people should share exactly two thirds of their interests. Ingrid has combined these ideas through a series of hand knitted socks.
Hey! It’s the last day of the exhibition! How did it go?
Really well thank you. It got into the papers and everything! I’ll be sending your sock back to you soon 🙂