
This shawl’s colour combination, the clever asymmetric pattern and the urge to finish just one more stripe have been just the right level of brain work for me while I get through this latest bout of epilepsy.



For interested parties, the pattern is Veera Välimäki’s Stripe Study Shawl, which is simple and lovely in garter stitch. The shawl grows in the usual triangular fashion as you knit it, except that in using short rows, it grows more on one side than the other to create a scalene triangle rather than an isoscles. I’m using some UK Alpaca’s deliciously soft sock yarn in a grass green, contrasting with a turqoise (I don’t know the actual names/numbers as they were sold without a band). Currently I’m on the 6th stripe of green (of the ten that I will knit) and it’s at this point that they seem to be taking longer and loooooonger. The need to finish another stripe, though, is tantalising. And another. And another…

As I’m having a little rethink of how to use this blog, and I don’t think that knitting will figure much unless it is of the historical or vintage variety, you can see how this ended up on ravelry instead!

Normal service will resume shortly…

Until then x



Oh my! There have been many rumblings of disapproval that there may not be current knitting here. I believe a reprieve might be in order…



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